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Magdalena Matczuk

Magdalena Matczuk


D.Sc. Eng., prof. WUT

Magdalena Matczuk


phone: +48 22 234 7719

address: Noakowskiego St. 3, room 318

Field of interest

Application of the hyphenated techniques for investigation of in-vitro processing of the medicinally attractive nanomaterials and/or anticancer metallodrugs

  • Interactions with serum proteins
  • Cellular uptake and trafficking


22nd March 2022         D.Sc., Warsaw University of Technology

1st December 2015     Ph.D., Warsaw University of Technology

14th June 2010            M.Sc. Eng., Warsaw University of Technology



Project leader in Excellence Initiative – Research University grant Lab-Tech of Excellence 1 1820/83/Z01/2022, entitled: “Analytical platform based on tandem elemental mass spectrometry for  simulating and studying the in vitro changes of systems comprising  liposomes and pharmaceutically and cosmetically active compounds


Scholarship of the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists

Project leader in WUT grant in the discipline of Chemical Sciences NCHEM2, entitled “Development of a methodology for testing the effect of gold nanoparticle’s surface modification on the efficiency of cisplatin anticancer drug targeted delivery system formation and stability


The member of the Group of Fundamental Problems of Analytical Techniques in the frame of Committee on Analytical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (till 2023)


European Rising Star Award for Plasma Spectrochemistry


Project leader in WUT dean’s grant entitled “Opracowanie metody badania profilu tworzenia oraz stabilności ukierunkowanych na transport do komórek nowotworowych połączeń nanocząstki złota‒cisplatyna za pomocą elektroforezy kapilarnej połączonej ze spektrometrią mas z jonizacją w plazmie sprzężonej indukcyjnie”


Award of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology for scientific achievements in 2015-2016

Young Scientists Grant Award – XL Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale (11-16.06.2017, Pisa, Italy)


Award for the best Ph.D. thesis in the field of mass spectrometry granted by Committee of Analytical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences and sponsored by LECO Poland

Best Poster Award: 18th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies & 22nd International Symposium on Separation Sciences, Toruń, Poland

PostDoc in OPUS 9 project “Analytical methodology for investigation of the cellular speciation of theranostic metal-based nanomaterials: development, optimization, and in-vitro application” granted by National Science Centre, Poland, March 2016 – December 2017


Award of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology for scientific achievements in 2014

Foreign scientific training on MPD Ph.D. Programme at Institute of Inorganic Chemistry University of Vienna, March – April 2015, Vienna, Austria


Project leader in PRELUDIUM 6 project “Development of hyphenated analytical (capillary electrophoresis-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) methodology for investigation of the tumor-targeting metal-based nanomaterial interactions with human serum proteins” granted by National Science Centre, Poland, August 2014 – November 2015


Award for the oral Presentation at 1st Scientific Conference of PhD Students Faculty of Chemistry Warsaw University of Technology and Faculty of Chemistry University of Warsaw “From MPD to KNOW”, Rawa Mazowiecka, Polska

Poster Awarded for excellent presentation of particularly significant innovative analytical research at EUROANALYSIS XVII 2013, Warsaw, Poland

Foreign scientific training at Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences, April – July 2013 (Moscow, Russia) granted by Center of Advanced Studies Warsaw University of Technology


Award for the Best Poster, Joint Symposium of the International PhD Programs, Pułtusk, Poland

Best Poster Award: 29th International Symposium on Chromatography, Toruń, Poland

Foreign scientific training on MPD Ph.D. Programme at Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Russian Academu of Sciences, January – July 2012, Moscow, Russia


Ph.D. Studies at International Ph.D. Projects Programme “Towards Advanced Functional Materials and Novel Devices” of the Foundation for Polish Science, January 2011 – October 2015